Xero GL Account Codes and Tracking Categories

Advanced Xero integration (2 min 33 sec.)

You can use a combination of Xero general ledger (GL) account codes and Xero tracking categoriesXero Tracking Categories allow you to report on your financial information at a more granular level in Xero (once your WorkflowMax - Xero interface is set up). For example, you might set up your Catering - Weddings and Catering - Functions job categories so that they use a Xero tracking category called Sales Region. This would allow you to report on your catering work, broken down by region. to extend the integration between WorkflowMax and Xero.

For further details, refer to the Xero help article on Xero tracking categories.

Mapping of account codes

Mapping of account codes between WorkflowMax and Xero is possible at three different levels.

If no account mapping is specified at Level 3 (task/cost) or Level 2 (job category), transactions will be coded to Level 1 (the default income and cost of sales accounts).

Related tasks

Setting up the Xero interface

Adding a job category

Creating a task

Adding a cost

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