Capacity and Productivity Reporting

The capacity and productivity reporting feature is available for WorkflowMax Premium accounts only.

Productivity reporting in WorkflowMax gives staff and management an instant view of how well individuals, and the team as a whole, are meeting their productivity goals.

The functionality allows you to:

  • set each individual staff member's available and target capacity
  • create a 'capacity reducing' job for staff to write training time, sick leave and other unbillable time against
  • review the team's target vs actual capacity and target vs actual productivity
  • easily see how you, as an individual, are meeting your productivity goals for billable vs non billable time on a daily and weekly basis.

Setting up capacity

The first step for setting up capacity and productivity reporting is to set up the available hours of work for each staff member.

  1. In the Business menu, select Settings > Capacity.
  2. On the Capacity screen:
    • Type in the expected work hours for each staff member on a day-by-day basis.
    • In the % column, set the target productivity for each staff member. For example, we might expect an employee to be 75% productive. This would mean that they would have 30 billable hours in a work week of 40 hours.
  3. In the Job drop-down list, select the capacity-reducing job. You can set up multiple capacity-reducing jobs by simply changing the job selected in the drop-down list and saving it. When a job is marked as capacity reducing, this displays a message on the job information screen, clearly indicating that any time written against this job will be capacity reducing.

    Message displayed when a job is a capacity reducing job

    To switch off the capacity reducing option for a specific job, open the job in the Job Manager and select Options > Mark as Non Capacity Reducing.

  4. Save your changes.

Capacity dashboard

Once the capacity setup is complete, when a staff member begins entering time sheets, a new capacity dashboard displays on their Dashboard page.

WorkflowMax Premium capacity dashboard

The Time Summary graph shows expected capacity vs actual capacity for the week, and the Productivity graph shows expected productivity vs actual productivity. Hover over the graphs to display more specific detail of the billable, non-billable and capacity-reducing hours worked.

Expected capacity vs actual capacity

On the Time Summary bar graph, the:

  • vertical (Y) axis is time (in hours), and
  • horizontal (X) axis is Monday–Friday.

Each day contains two bars next to each other:

  • The grey bar shows the expected capacity for the day (as defined in the Capacity screen for each staff member).
  • The green bar shows the time entered for the day, which can be split into three parts (as a stacked graph):
    • Green – billable time
    • Red – non-billable/non capacity-reducing time. This is time that cannot be billed to the client but does not limit your available billable hours, such as time you have decided to write off against a client.
    • Yellow – non-billable/capacity reducing time. This is time that cannot be billed to the client and also limits your available billable hours, such as going on a training course or taking leave.

Expected productivity vs actual productivity

On the Productivity pie-chart, expected vs actual productivity is displayed in two series:

  • the outer series is a thin border that shows the expected productivity percentage (as defined in the Capacity screen for each staff member)
  • the inner series fills the pie and shows the actual productivity for the week to date. This value is calculated as follows: Actual productivity = (billable time) / (expected capacity - capacity reducing time).

Productivity Dashboard

The Productivity Dashboard (available in the Reports menu) is a business-wide view of how staff are progressing against capacity and productivity targets.

WorkflowMax Premium Productivity Dashboard report

Over the date range you specify, the first two columns display the Target Capacity and Actual Capacity. The Actual Capacity will reduce if time is written against the capacity-reducing job.

The second two columns display the Target Productivity and Actual Productivity. The productivity percentage column shows actual productivity calculated as a percentage of actual capacity.

It is possible to be more than 100% productive by working more billable hours than your target. This is displayed as a green bar extending to the right, as opposed to a red bar extending to the left for productivity percentages less than 100%.

KPI Dashboard – FTE Metrics

Staff admin changes

On the Business > Settings > Staff screen, KPI Dashboard section, we have replaced the current "FTE" (full time equivalent) checkbox with a new "FTE %" field.

KPI Dashboard report changes

We have updated the metric that currently references the FTE checkbox (see above) to change the calculation to be a sum of the percentages instead. For example, two staff at 50% FTE will be treated as 1 FTE for the purposes of the metric calculations in the report.

Staff allocation view

Previously when viewing the Staff Allocation report in the Job Manager screen, any day where the allocated hours is greater than 8 is displayed as red. Once staff capacity has been set up, WorkflowMax Premium now compares the allocated hours against the expected capacity for that day when determining if the user is over allocated. For example, if the staff member had only 4 hours of available capacity for the day and they were allocated 5 hours worth of work, the day would display in red.

Indicate time is capacity reducing on financial reports

Currently an single asterisk (*) is displayed against non-billable time on the default financial staff, client and job time reports. If the time is capacity reducing, then this will display with a double asterisk (**) instead.

Upgrading to WorkflowMax Premium

If you are interested in upgrading to the Premium version please contact us at, and we will be happy to turn on this module and answer any queries you may have.