
In WorkflowMax, tasks:

  • are the labour components of a job – the activities that staff perform as they work to complete the job.
  • allow a job's labour costs to be recorded separately from other costs such as materials used, disbursements or mileage. Staff time worked can be recorded against specific tasks, and those tasks will display as line items on the invoice.
  • also provide the basic structure and workflow of the job.

Before you can add a task to a job, job template or quote/estimate, the task must have been created in the Business > Settings > Tasks area.

A task can be:

  • used in as many jobs, job templates or quotes/estimates as required
  • imported from external sources or set up from scratch.

Task features

Before you start working with tasks, please read the text in the drop-downs below to learn more about the features of tasks in WorkflowMax.

Working with tasks

Accounting interface for tasks

Creating a task ClosedOnce you have created the task, you can then add it to as many jobs, job templates, quotes/estimates as you like

Deleting a task

Editing a task

Importing tasks

Ticking-off completed tasks

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