Marking an Estimate as Sent

You will normally mark an estimate as sent immediately before you actually send it out.

Marking an estimate as sent does not actually send it to the client, but simply shows it as Sent in the History tab of the Quote Manager screen. This makes it easy to see which estimates have been sent out.

You can mark an estimate as sent only after it has been issued.

To mark an estimate as sent:

  1. In the Business menu, select Quotes.
  2. If required, select the down-arrow to the right of the page title and select the required filterA filter provides a quick way to display only selected clients, invoices, quotes and work in progress based on pre-defined criteria. Once a filter has been selected, it becomes the default title for the page. Page titles that are also filter names are shown in blue text with a drop-down arrow, at right..
  3. Select the Issued or Expired tab.
  4. In the Quote Manager screen, drill down on the estimate that you wish to mark as sent.
  5. Select Options > Mark as sent. The selected estimate is marked as sent.

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Unmarking an estimate as sent ClosedYou may decide not to send an estimate, even though you have marked it as sent. In this case, you can mark it as Unsent in the History tab of the Quote Manager screen

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