Changing a Quote to an Estimate

You can change a quote to an estimate at any time before the quote is issued.

To change the current quote into an estimate:

  1. In the Business menu, select Quotes.
  2. If required, select the down-arrow to the right of the page title and select the required filterA filter provides a quick way to display only selected clients, invoices, quotes and work in progress based on pre-defined criteria. Once a filter has been selected, it becomes the default title for the page. Page titles that are also filter names are shown in blue text with a drop-down arrow, at right..

  3. Drill down on the number of the quote you wish to work with.
  4. On the quote information screen, select Options > Change Quote to an Estimate and confirm the change. The heading text Quote Information is replaced with Estimate Information. All Quote Manager menus and sub-screens will now use the term 'Estimate' rather than 'Quote'.

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