Editing a Job State

To change the name, type or other features of a job stateJob states usually match the stages in your company's job workflow, such as Planned, In Progress or Completed. By adding notifications to each job state, you can communicate to key people how a job is progressing - and when it's time for them to take action.:

  1. In the Business menu, select Settings > Job Settings.
  2. On the Job Settings screen, select the Job State tab.
  3. Select the job state you wish to edit. The Edit Job State dialog is displayed.

  4. If required, change the name of the job state. You might want to change the name to match a stage in your own job process, or just to correct a spelling mistake.
  5. If required, make other changes as follows:

    1. Select a State Type other than Standard.
      • On Hold jobs are not displayed in the Overview, Task Manager or Calendar views, leaving more room for active jobs to be displayed.
      • Completed jobs will be archived out of Job Manager, but time and costs accrued will still be invoiced.
      • Cancelled jobs will be archived out of Job Manager and any time and/or costs accrued will be written off.
    2. Choose where you want jobs with this job state to appear.
      • Select My Jobs to have jobs appear in the My Jobs - job state notification box for the staff member it's assigned to. This notification box is displayed, at left, on the Dashboard and on all screens under the Jobs menu.
      • Select Schedule to have jobs appear in the job schedule for the staff member it's assigned to.
    3. Choose if you want to prevent data entry. This can be useful if you need to prevent staff from accidentally recording time or costs against a job (when the job is on hold, for example).

  6. Save your changes.

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